The Power of Union Organizing
That is exactly what having a Union in your workplace is all about. Unions give workers a real voice on the job to stand up for ourselves, our families and our future. Having a strong collective voice gives working men and women the authority to negotiate good pay, strong benefits, an effective grievance and arbitration process, and dignity and respect where they work. The only PROVEN way to bring about real and positive changes for working men and women is to get it in WRITING — in a legally-binding Teamster contract. Remember, when workers stand alone they are powerless against the boss. The employer holds all the cards and calls all the shots. By standing together, as one united voice with one common interest, workers gain a seat at the table and the ability to demand fairness in the workplace. The Teamsters Union is comprised of 1.4 million working men and women across the United States and Canada. We are truck drivers, nurses, police officers, delivery drivers, school employees, food workers, airline employees and much more. The Teamsters Union is one of the strongest and most powerful Unions because of our membership's diversity. Employer promises are only words — but the benefits provided by a Teamster contract offer real strength, security and peace of mind for working men and women. Teamsters Local 243, in unison with Michigan Teamsters Joint Council #43, is working to improve the quality of life for working men and women through organizing. Organizing the unorganized has been, and will remain, an essential part of what we do to provide first-class service to rank-and-file members as we fight to protect their jobs and benefits in the challenging 21st century workplace. All Teamsters are encouraged to make organizing a personal priority. If you know someone who would benefit from the wages, health care, pensions and job security provided by the Teamsters Union, contact Teamsters Local 243 today. Metro-Detroit area (734) 420-6900. Lansing-area (517) 887-2944.
Page Last Updated: Mar 18, 2019 (05:35:00)