• Teamsters Local 243 Mirror

    Call attorney Marshall Lasser for help with a workers’ compensation or personal injury claim, no fault insurance question, slip and fall accident or an overtime violation

    Financial Planning Experts For Local 243 Members 

    • UPS Issues Local 243 A 45-Day “Change of Operations” Letter Concerning the Jackson Building

      Click image below for larger view

      UPS Issues Local 243 A 45-Day “Change of Operations” Letter Concerning the Wixom Building

      Click image below for larger view

      Teamsters Local 243 Affiliates with the Huron Valley Labor Federation, AFL-CIO

      Determined to enhance worker power, influence and strength — especially during the current uncertain times — on February 20, 2025 Teamsters Local 243 became the newest labor group to affiliate with the Huron Valley Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. 

      The Labor Federation’s priority goals include:

       Expanding organizing among all working men and women;

      Securing rights and benefits to which all workers are entitled;

      Achieving higher living standards and working conditions;

      Confronting and combating those seeking to undermine workers and the labor movement;

      Earning and preserving the respect of rank-and-file members and allied groups;

      Standing united and extending our organization and movement to all workers; and

      Strengthening the fundamental freedoms of true democracy.

      Local 243 President Scott Quenneville said the affiliation between the two labor groups will showcase the united power of two organizations fighting for the rights and benefits of working men and women.

      “Given our Local Union’s expanding influence and presence, in both organizing and political action, assistance and support from allies like the Huron Valley Labor Federation will be crucial to our mutual goal of building a bright future.”

      “Teamsters vs. Everybody”

      Get your Local 243 “Teamsters vs. Everybody” t-shirt.  

      These high-quality, USA-made, short-sleeve shirts are available for purchase at Teamsters Local 243’s Union hall.  

      Price: $20.00 each.  Supplies are limited.  

      If you would like one of these shirts, stop by Local 243’s Union hall today.  Cash or check accepted.

      Durham Northville Drivers, Monitors and Mechanics Ratify Historic New Three-Year Agreement

      On January 14th Local 243 Drivers, Monitors and Mechanics at Durham Northville ratified their new three-year agreement by a 96%-to-4% margin.  Local 243 Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner said that the contract includes historic wage increases, replaces wage “tiers” with a wage progression and enhances the grievance and arbitration procedure and other contract language.

      “During negotiations three years ago, we made progress in reducing the unfair wage tiers but knew we had more work to do,” Turner said.  “This year, we met our goal of replacing tiers with a fair wage progression which allows the Company to recruit new employees while, more importantly, rewarding current Drivers, Monitors and Mechanics for their years of Company service.”

      Local 243 Costco MDO Members Stand United For A Strong Agreement

      President Scott Quenneville and Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner with Local 243 Costco MDO members who continue standing in solidarity with Costco Teamsters across the country in the ongoing campaign to secure a new national contract.

      Teamsters Local 243 Officers Join Nationwide Amazon Strike Outside Livonia Fulfillment Center

      Workers To Launch Nationwide Strike Against $2 Trillion Corporation On Thursday

      Click graphic below for more information

      Attention UPS Teamsters

      As a UPS Teamster, Article 9, Section 1 of the UPS National Master Agreement guarantees your contractual right to:

      1) Refuse to enter any property involved in a primary labor dispute.

      2) Refuse to cross or work behind any primary picket line.  This includes any primary picket line put up at workplaces by Teamsters Amazon National Negotiating Committee (TANNC).

      UPS Management Cannot:

      Direct you to cross a primary picket line

      Discharge or discipline you for honoring a picket line

      EXAMPLE:  If a primary picketline is in place in front of a workplace that you deliver to, you are within your contractual rights to refuse to cross, or if you are already at work, to leave the property until the picket line is taken down.  As these rights are clearly outlined in Article 9 of the UPS National Master Agreement, your management team cannot force you to cross, or discipline you if you choose to honor such a picket line.

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      Michigan State AFL-CIO Staff Workers Ratify Historic First Teamster Contract

      Staff employees at the Michigan State AFL-CIO in Lansing voted unanimously on October 23rd to ratify their first contract with Teamsters Local 243.

      This three-year agreement covers Organizing Specialists, Training Specialists, Digital Specialist, Graphic Designer, Advocacy Coordinator and Policy Coordinator.  

      The historic agreement includes improved wages, a strong grievance and arbitration procedure,  enhanced vacations and sick/personal days, and many other improvements.

      “I commend our AFL-CIO employees for standing together and sticking with us through this long process,” Local 243 President Scott Quenneville said.  “These negotiations took much longer than we anticipated on day one, but the end result is a solid first contract which not only provides important improvements and protections for the members, but a foundation for growth and improvement in the future.”

      Local 243 Wins Fight To Represent Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea Baristas

      THE $64,000 QUESTION: 

      Will management negotiate in good faith on a first contract?

      NLRB Regional Director Certifies Local 243 As the Bargaining Representative For Baristas At Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea In Ann Arbor

      Click image below to read the Regional Director’s Decision

      Local 243 Demonstrates Picketline Solidarity with Local 283 Marathon Strikers In Their Fight For A New Contract

      Teamsters Local 243 President Scott Quenneville, Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner, Recording Secretary Christina Gonzalez and Business Representative Bill Black walk the Marathon picketline on September 5, 2024.

      Teamsters Local 243 members at Marathon’s Detroit refinery continue walking the picketline in their battle for a new contract.  The workers are demanding a new contract that treats them with the respect they have earned over the years as “essential” workers.

      Recognizing the importance of this battle, Teamsters are joined on the picketline by the UAW, the Building Trades and other Unions demanding that Marathon does the right thing, returns to the table and negotiates an equitable successor agreement.


      President Quenneville encourages the Marathon strikers to stand strong in this campaign and that Local 243 has their back as they fight to secure a new agreement.

      Local 243 condemns Neogen for committing several unfair labor practices during August 26, 2024 Lansing City Council meeting

      Click graphic above for a link to the story

      Local 243 Secures Historic NLRB CEMEX Bargaining Order In Organizing Battle Against Lansing’s Neogen Corporation

      Local 243 Becomes First Teamsters Local Union In the Country To Win A NLRB Bargaining Order

      Pictured above (left to right) are Local 243 Business Agent Heather Duhoski, President Scott Quenneville, Neogen Teamster Mary Pazitka, Business Agent/Organizer Bill Black, and Neogen Teamsters Mike Miller, Jonas Higbee, Craig Wing and Marquist Evans.

      Click graphic at right to read entire NLRB Complaint

      Strongly condemning the Employer’s illegal conduct during Local 243’s organizing campaign at the Neogen Corporation warehouse in Lansing, on August 2, 2024 the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued its Complaint, seeking a final order whereby Neogen must recognize Local 243 and meet with the Union to bargain a first collective bargaining agreement.

      "Given the outrageous and illegal conduct by Neogen during our organizing drive, Local 243 fought back by filing unfair labor practice (ULP) charges demanding justice for the workers,” said Local 243 President Scott Quenneville.  “Business Agent Bill Black led the Union’s organizing drive and witnessed, firsthand, the Company’s unfair conduct.”

      Quenneville said that after the vote, Black contacted the NLRB and filed charges protesting Neogen’s numerous violations.

      When Neogen workers began organizing last year, the Company began their retaliatory Union-busting campaign.  High-level Neogen executives launched an intense and illegal union-busting campaign, threatening workers with closure of the warehouse and loss of pay, benefits and access to management if they voted to join the Teamsters.

      “If the Company thought they could do whatever they wanted, without any counter punch from the Union, they were wrong,” Quenneville said.  “We fought back with a barrage of unfair labor practice charges and demanded justice.  I proudly welcome these workers into our Teamsters family and look forward to securing the strong Union contract they demand and deserve.”

      Below are details of the NLRB’s Complaint Against Neogen:

      ABOUT NOVEMBER 20, 2023 ... Respondent, by its representatives...threatened employees with closure and loss of flexibility if they selected the Charging Party as their collective-bargaining representative.

      ABOUT NOVEMBER 21, 2023 ... Respondent, by its representative...at its Lansing facilities, threatened employees with loss of benefits, such as cookout events, PTO giveaways and other gifts, if they selected the Charging Party as their collective-bargaining representative.

      ABOUT NOVEMBER 22, 2023 ... Respondent, by Julie Mann...:

      a) threatened employees with loss benefits, including scheduling flexibility, if they chose to be represented by the Charging Party.

      b) threatened employees with the loss of access to direct communication with supervisors if they chose to be represented by the Charging Party.

      c) threatened employees with loss of benefits, including feeling comfortable and safety discussing problems, issues and questions with company leadership, if they selected the Charging Party as their bargaining representative.

      ABOUT NOVEMBER 29, 2023 ... Respondent by its representatives unknown to the General Counsel, but well known to Respondent, at its Lansing facilities, without specifying any difference between economic or unfair labor practice strike, threatened employees with permanent replacement in the event of a strike if they chose to be represented by a union.

      ABOUT DECEMBER 1, 2023 ... Respondent, at its Lansing facilities:

      by John Adent, threatened employees with the closure of the facility if they selected the Charging Party as their collective-bargaining representative;

      by John Adent, threatened employees with loss of access to managers and supervisors to discuss workplace issues if they selected the Charging Party as their bargaining representative;

      by John Adent, impliedly threatened employees with loss of benefits, such as flexibility and understanding, if they selected the Charging Party as their bargaining representative; 

      by John Adent, solicited grievances from employees and promised to remedy them if they chose not to be represented by the Charging Party;

      by John Adent, promised employee benefits including the creation of an employee resource group to advocate for employees, if they chose not to be represented by the Charging Party;

      by its representative unknown to the General Counsel but well known to Respondent, by a daily “One Shot,” threatened employees with loss of access to their supervisors to discuss terms and conditions of employee if they selected the Charging Party as their collective-bargaining representative.


      The NLRB stated: “Respondent has been failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of its employees in violations of Sections 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act.”

      As a result of the Company’s conduct, the NLRB wants Neogen to do the following:

      “Upon request, and pursuant to Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC, 372 NLRB No. 130 (2023), meet and bargain in good faith with the Charging Party at a reasonable, mutually-agreed-upon times and locations with respect to an initial collective bargaining agreement.”

      2023-2028 UPS National Agreement, Local #243 Metro-Detroit Rider, Central Region Rider, Michigan Rider and CSI Rider

      Click on the contracts below for a larger view



      Feel free to download and keep these with you for quick reference.

      Copies of the 2023-2028 UPS contracts will be distributed to Local 243 members as soon as the Union receives the printed versions from the IBT.

      Teamster Leaders Assemble In Downtown Chicago For the IBT’s 2024 Passenger Transportation Division Conference

      Teamster Local Union officials from across the country met at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago, Illinois May 7-8 for the IBT’s 2024 Passenger Transportation Division Conference.

      (RIGHT) IBT General President Sean O’Brien speaks to delegates at the IBT’s 2024 Passenger Transportation Division meeting.

      Local 243 Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner and Business Agent/Legislative Coordinator Bill Black joined more than 120 local union leaders for this year’s meeting.  Issues discussed included: the seven tests of just cause, and their use in protecting members’ rights and jobs; unemployment benefits for school transportation employees; organizing growth and opportunities within the industry; and how Teamster legislative power can benefit passenger transportation workers.

      IBT General President Sean O’Brien kicked off the meeting by discussing the IBT’s ongoing organizing programs and how the International and Local Unions are working to expand our influence and enhance our strength within the Passenger Transportation Division.

      (LEFT) Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner and Business Agent Bill Black listen to a discussion about the NLRB.

      “We’re not afraid to fight,” O’Brien declared.  “We’re not afraid to take on employers.  We’re not afraid to strike if the employers don’t give our members what they want.  We have $340 million in our Strike and Defense Fund. That Strike and Defense Fund will be used to negotiate the best contracts, set the highest industry standards and defend against any threat to this Union.”

      O‘Brien told the attendees that the IBT and Local Unions must continue driving up standards not just in the Passenger Transportation Division, but at every Teamster employer, through aggressive and ever-expanding organizing.

      (RIGHT) Teamsters Local 243 Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner, IBT General President Sean O’Brien and Business Agent/Legislative Coordinator Bill Black.

      “The bottom line: if we’re not organizing, we’re dying.” O’Brien said.  “There are very strong opportunities to organize in the Passenger Transportation Division and Teamsters are working everyday to make the most of these opportunities.  Since taking office, we’ve been extremely successful in organizing new members — especially in the Passenger Transportation division.”

      Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner said while the challengers facing the Passenger Transportation Division are great, the opportunities are greater.  He stressed that changing Michigan’s law regarding unemployment benefits for school bus Drivers and Monitors/Bus Aides remains a high legislative priority.

      “Local 243 began this discussion over fixing Michigan’s unemployment law with House Speaker Joe Tate a year ago, and we remain determined to use our connections in Lansing to press ahead with this change,” he said.  “In addition, Local 243’s organizing program, spearheaded by Business Agent Bill Black, is solid and strong.  Bill does a remarkable job, and Local 243 stands ready to welcome any and all non-union school transportation employees into our Local Union.  Together, we are stronger - and Local 243 believes it's past time that school transportation employees receive the dignity, respect and fair treatment they deserve.”

      Local 243 President Scott Quenneville and Executive Board Pledge Continued Strong Service and Representation

      Business Representative Greg Lowran issued the oath of office to Local 243 President Scott Quenneville, Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner, Vice President Corey Smith, Recording Secretary Christina Gonzalez and Trustees Dave Bailey, Scott Wood and Ken Christie.

      Sweetwaters Ann Arbor Workers Host “Sip In For Solidarity” To Support Organizing With Local 243

      Baristas at Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea held a “sip in for solidarity” on January 20, 2024 at the Company’s downtown Ann Arbor location to show support for the workers’ effort to organize with Teamsters Local 243.

      The Union representation election covering 60 baristas at four Ann Arbor Sweetwaters coffeehouses will take place on Thursday, January 25th.

      “We are all very proud of these young professionals who are demonstrating bravery and unity in their campaign to win strong Union representation they want and deserve,” Local 243 President Scott Quenneville said.  “Working together, we will first win this crucial organizing election and then begin the important task of negotiating a first contract that will make these Sweetwaters workers proud to become Local 243 Teamsters.”

      Sweetwaters workers received support from legislative officials, Starbucks workers, nurses, office clerical workers and community leaders.  Among those in attendance were in State Senator Jeff Irwin (D-15th), State Representative Jason Morgan (D-23rd) and retired United Auto Workers International President Bob King.

      President Quenneville said the Sweetwaters campaign is the latest push by Local 243 to reach out and organize young workers who are the key to building a strong and effective 21st century labor movement.

      Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea workers received strong Union and community support during their January 20th “Sip In For Solidarity” organizing rally.

      President Scott Quenneville and Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner with State Representative Jeff Irwin.

      Retired UAW President Bob King (left) with Business Agent Bill Black, Secretary-Treasurer Turner and President Quenneville.

      State Senator Jason Morgan (right) demonstrated his support.
      The coffeehouse was packed with supporters encouraging the workers to stay united for victory in this important organizing campaign.

      Local 243 Wins Organizing Victory For UPS-CSI Clerks

      Office clerks employed by UPS-CSI in Romulus voted on December 21, 2023, to join ranks with Teamsters Local 243.  The workers are employed by a UPS Division specializing in importing and exporting high-volume freight.

      Several weeks ago, the workers reached out to Local 243 after speaking with their co-workers who are already Teamsters, and seeing the historic gains won by the IBT during the 2023 UPS contract campaign.

      “Local 243’s organizing program continues strong, and this CSI victory is just the latest example of how we are working to expand the rights and benefits of Teamster membership to non-union workers,” Local 243 President Scott Quenneville declared.  “We congratulate these Brothers and Sisters who are working to build a stronger quality of life for themselves and their families through membership in Teamsters Local 243.”

      Quenneville stated that negotiations for a first contract for these newly-organized CSI members will commence soon.

      Niccol Can Afford More Than A Nickel Increase For Chipotle Workers

      Unions Unite To Protest Company’s Insulting 5¢/Hour Wage Increase Proposal

      Teamsters Tell Chipotle: “It’s Time To Wrap Up A Fair First Contract”

      Click HERE for Lansing Rally Photos

      Solidarity was on vivid display during Local 243’s November 3, 2023 rally at the Lansing Chipotle restaurant.  Teamsters are calling on Chipotle to stop stalling and give their workers a contract that provides them with fair wages and an equal voice.

      President Scott Quenneville discusses the Chipotle contract campaign with a reporter from WILX TV in Lansing.  “The Teamsters are here and we are not going anywhere.”

      More than 12 months after contract negotiations began on a first agreement for the newly-organized Lansing Chipotle workers, and seeing little to no progress at the bargaining table, Local 243 held a solidarity rally outside the restaurant on November 3rd to step up pressure on Chipotle to get serious about finalizing a first contract.

      “The Teamsters are here and we are not going anywhere,” Local 243 President Scott Quenneville declared.  “We are demanding that Chipotle stop playing games, stop dragging their feet and get serious about bargaining a first contract.”

      Quenneville said that in 2022, Chipotle reported massive earnings of $8.6 billion.  In addition, Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol pocketed more than $17 million last year.

      Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol’s Message To His Workers: $17 Million For Me ...  A Few Pennies For Thee

      “While CEO Niccol takes home more than $17 million, he offers workers an insulting five cent raise,” Quenneville said.  “Chipotle workers are worth more than a nickel and this is why we will continue standing firm to get these hard-working young men and women a first contract that provides them with better wages, hours and an equal voice on the job.”

      During the rally outside the Lansing restaurant, Local 243 received support from a diverse group of labor and political allies:

      Teamsters Locals 247, 299, 283, 337 and 406;

       Representatives from the Michigan State AFL-CIO;

      State Representatives Angela Witwer and Donovan McKinney; and

      • Nate Engle, Director of Community Engagement for Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

      In addition, Michigan Speaker of the House Joe Tate called President Quenneville prior to the rally kickoff to express his support to the Chipotle workers in their ongoing contract fight.

      “This was a great display of solidarity, but it’s only the beginning,” Quenneville said.  “If Chipotle thinks they can erode workers’ resolve with delays, they’re wrong.  Our Chipotle members are more determined today than ever.  Teamsters demand Chipotle stop wasting time and give their workers the fair contract they demand and deserve.”

      Quenneville Leadership Team Elected Without Opposition

      Local 243’s Newly-Elected Executive Board

      Front row (left to right): Recording Secretary Christina Gonzalez, Secretary-Treasurer Phil Turner, President Scott Quenneville, and Vice President Corey Smith.  Back Row (left to right): Trustee David Bailey, Trustee Scott Wood and Trustee Ken Christie.

      On September 4th, Local 243 President Scott Quenneville and the members of the Quenneville Leadership Team were elected, without opposition, to a three-year term starting January 1, 2024.

      The newly-elected Executive Board Officers are:

              • Scott Quenneville, President
              • Phil Turner, Secretary-Treasurer
              • Corey Smith, Vice President
              • Christina Gonzalez, Recording Secretary
              • David Bailey, Trustee
              • Ken Christie, Trustee
              • Scott Wood, Trustee

      “We thank Local 243 members for their unanimous support of our team and our member-focused agenda to build upon our Union’s successful past to guarantee a brighter future for all Local 243 members,” President Quenneville said.    

      Quenneville praised current Local 243 Secretary-Treasurer Greg Lowran and Trustee Ernie Bell for their years of service on behalf of the membership.  

      “Brother Lowran decided back in 2021 to come out of retirement and help our Union transition following the retirement of President Jim Cianciolo,” Quenneville said.  “Even though Greg has decided to step aside as Secretary-Treasurer, he will continue putting his experience to work as a UPS Business Agent.”

      Earlier this year, Trustee Ernie Bell announced that he would be stepping down as Trustee at the conclusion of his UPS career this year.  

      “Both Ernie and Greg have served our Union with dedication and distinction,” Quenneville said.  “We wish Ernie happiness in his retirement and look forward to continuing to work with, and learn from, Greg Lowran for years to come.”

      President Quenneville also welcomed newly-elected Executive Board members Christina Gonzalez and Ken Christie.  Sister Gonzalez, a current Business Agent, is Local 243’s new Recording Secretary.   Meanwhile, Brother Christie is the new Trustee, replacing retiring Brother Bell.

      “Christina and Ken are well known to UPS members with decades of experience,” Quenneville said.  “Both are excellent additions to our team who will refine our mission of providing first-class representation to the members.”

      UPS Teamsters Make Contract History

      Click below for details about the 2023 Vote

      Local 243 Members Ratify the Metro-Detroit UPS Rider By 87.6% to 12.4% Margin

      (Click graphic above for the complete UPS vote tally)

      Teamsters To Chipotle Shareholders:

      Support the Right of Employees To Organize

      “Chipotle claims they’re engaging in good faith, but we still have not even seen a legitimate first offer, let alone an agreement after eight months,” said Local 243 President Scott Quenneville.

      Local 243 is committed to securing a first Union agreement that will give these hard-working Chipotle employees an “equal voice” on the job for dignity and respect.

      Teamsters General President Sean O'Brien Visits Local 243 UPS Livonia Members On March 27th

      Click here for additional photos of IBT General President Sean O'Brien's March 27th visit to UPS Livonia

      Check out the May-June Local 243 Mirror for more information about IBT President Sean O’Brien’s visit with UPS Livonia members.  Click here

      Local 243 Wins Voluntary Recognition For Michigan AFL-CIO Employees

      Field and Campaign Organizers, Training and Communication workers and Legislative Staff at the Michigan State AFL-CIO in Lansing became Teamsters on April 27th as the AFL-CIO granted voluntary recognition to Local 243 as the employees’ Bargaining Representative.

      Click Here For More Information

      Click Image Below For Larger View

      Central States Pension Fund Awarded $36 Billion Rescue Grant In Victory For Teamster Retirees

      Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien joined President Joe Biden during his presidential address about strengthening the U.S. economy for Union members and retirees on December 8 in Washington, D.C.

    • Upcoming Events
      General Membership Meeting
      Apr 03, 2025
      Local 243’s Plymouth Twp. Union Hall
      General Membership Meeting
      Sep 07, 2025
      Local 243’s Plymouth Twp. Union Hall
      General Membership Meeting
      Oct 02, 2025
      Local 243’s Plymouth Twp. Union Hall
      General Membership Meeting
      Nov 02, 2025
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